Symposia (please click on each symposium for more detail)

Eleven symposia have been included in the conference program. Experts in the field have been invited by the Conference Organizing Committee to organize and coordinate these symposia. Each symposium addresses a specific perspective of the conference theme, and consists of four to five presentations by an international team. The symposia, chairpersons, and presenters are listed below.

1. Adapted Physical Education Symposium
Claudine Sherrill, PhD, Texas Woman's University, USA
Day/Time: 7 July 2004     14:30-16:30
Venue: to be confirmed
Presenters: confirmed

2. Sports Management Symposium
Chairperson: Mee Lee Leung, EdD, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong-China

Day/Time: 7 July 2004     14:15-16:15
Venue: to be confirmed
Presenters: confirmed

3. Dance Education and Movement Science Symposium
Chairperson: Lynnette Young Overby, PhD, Michigan State University, USA
Day/Time: 8 July 2004     15:00-17:00
Venue: to be confirmed
Presenters: confirmed

4. Exercise and Sport Psychology Symposium
Chairperson: Jin Wang, PhD, Kennesaw State University, USA
Day/Time: 8 July 2004     15:00-17:00
Venue: to be confirmed
Presenters: confirmed

5. Health-Related Fitness in School PE Symposium
Chairperson: Michael Chia, PhD, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Day/Time: 8 July 2004     15:00-17:00
Venue: to be confirmed
Presenters: confirmed

6. Leisure, Physical Activity and Wellness Symposium
Chairperson: Chris Edginton, PhD, University of Northern Iowa, USA
Day/Time: 9 July 2004     9:00-11:00
Venue: to be confirmed
Presenters: confirmed

7. Pedagogy of Physical Education Symposium
Chairperson: Doune Macdonald, PhD, University of Queensland, Australia
Day/Time: 9 July 2004     9:00-11:00
Venue: to be confirmed
Presenters: confirmed

8. Biomechanics Symposium
Chairperson: Yong-Tai Wang, PhD, Georgia State University, USA
Day/Time: 9 July 2004    9:00-11:00
Venue: to be confirmed
Presenters: confirmed

9. Problem-Based Learning Symposium
Chairperson: Michael James Keppell, PhD, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong-China
Day/Time: 9 July 2004    15:00-17:00
Venue: to be confirmed
Presenters: confirmed

10. Sports Nutrition and Exercise Physiology Symposium
Chairperson: Jana Parizkova, M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc.
Centre for Obesity
Management, Endocrinological Institute, Czech Republic
Day/Time: 9 July 2004     15:00-17:00
Venue: to be confirmed
Presenters: confirmed

11. Teaching Games for Understanding Symposium
Chairperson: Joy Butler, PhD, Plymouth State College, USA
Day/Time: 10 July 2004    9:00-11:00
Venue: to be confirmed
Presenters: confirmed

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Created: 7 March 2003
Last modified: 13 March 2003
Authorised by: Ming-Kai Chin, PhD, Chairman, Organizing Committee, ICPE 2004
Maintained by: Centre for Integrating Technology in Education (CITIE), The Hong Kong Institute of Education