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First Announcement

The 1st Asia-Pacific EPR/ESR Symposium was held at the City University of Hong Kong, January 20-24, 1997. The Asia-Pacific EPR/ESR Society will provide the logistic support and coordination for the organization of the future Symposia. The President of the Asia-Pacific EPR/ESR Society has recently conducted a search for an Asia-Pacific EPR/ESR group willing to host the next Symposium. After consultations with the potential hosts it has just been decided that the 2nd Asia-Pacific EPR/ESR Symposium will be held at Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, P.R. China, 15 -19 November 1999 (actual date changed to 31 October - 4 November 1999 ). Prof. Yuanzhi Xu, the Chairman of the Local Organizing Committee [LOC], is the member of Magnetic Resonance Special Committee, Chinese Physical Society. 

Continuing with the spirit of the 1st Symposium, the future Asia-Pacific EPR/ESR Symposia, although aimed primarily at the Asia-Pacific countries, will be open to participants from all over the world. The aim of the 2nd Symposium (APS'99) is to cover all subareas of EPR/ESR. Contributions dealing with any aspects of recent developments in the Theory, Methodology, Instrumentation, and Experimental Techniques are invited. The focus will be on recent applications of the EPR/ESR spectroscopy, including the conventional EPR/ESR, high-frequency and high-field EPR, ENDOR, ESEEM, MRI, ELDOR, CIDEP, ODMR, OPEPR, etc. Four parallel topical sessions are planned: 

  1. Biology, Life and Medical Sciences, 
  2. Chemistry, Earth and Environmental Sciences,
  3. Physics and Materials Science,
  4. New Developments and Crossdisciplinary Areas.
Nominations are invited for up to 8 invited speakers, who will deliver the plenary lectures dealing with the current most important topics. Self-nominations are also welcome. Please provide us with a short abstract of the lecture and a brief CV of the potential speaker. Nominations should be made (preferably by E-mail or Fax) to the President of the Asia-Pacific EPR/ESR Society or the Chairman of the Local Organizing Committee before the end of March 1998. A selection committee will consider the nominations and the decision will be announced by the end of June 1998.

The host city, Hangzhou is a beautiful location, especially in autumn. A famous idiom in China is: "We have Su & Hang in the Earth as well as Paradise in the sky." It means that Suzhou & Hangzhou are as beautiful as Paradise. You can directly fly from Singapore or Hong Kong to Hangzhou, and it can also be easily reached via Shanghai. From Shanghai to Hangzhou it is only 180 kms and it takes about 2.5 hours by train or by car on highway. 

The Second Announcement and Call for Papers will be circulated in January 1998. If your name was not on the namelist of the participants of the 1st Asia-Pacific EPR/ESR Symposium please provide us with your name and full address as soon as possible.

For more information contact:

Prof. Yuanzhi XU, Chairman, LOC

The 2nd Asia-Pacific EPR/ESR Symposium (AP EPR/ESRS'99)

Department of Chemistry, Zhejiang University,

Hangzhou 310027, P. R. China

Phone: +86 571 7984095 or +86 571 7951352; 

Fax: +86 571 7984095 or +86 571 7951895; 

E-mail: xyz@public.hz.zj.cn


Prof. Czeslaw Rudowicz, The President

The Asia-Pacific EPR/ESR Society

Department of Physics and Materials Science, City University of Hong Kong,

83 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR, P. R. China

Phone: (852) 2788-7787 Fax: (852) 2788-7830 E-Mail: APSEPR@CITYU.EDU.HK

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Last updated: 04-01-1999