UNEVOC Network Portal

Inclusive Education


The overarching objective of the Inclusive Education programme is to engage in research, projects, and advocacy that target at promoting equitable quality education and lifelong inclusivity for persons with disabilities. Our research and development work in this area thus seeks to inform education policies and practices that can enable those with disabilities to fully integrate into school and adult life of the mainstream society. Resources leading to further advancement of inclusive education will be gathered and shared as part of our advocacy. Work in Hong Kong will focus on policies, leadership, teacher education, and practices for inclusive education. We strive to work closely with local researchers and scholars as well as those in China, Asia, and other parts of the world.

Core Project(s)

The current core project is a General Research Fund Grant in examining the 3-tier intervention model for support of students with disabilities. This model is the central feature of the inclusive education practices within the whole-school approach framework to achieve effective inclusive education in Hong Kong and is directly tied to the Learning Support Grant, the financial source to support the implementation of inclusive education. This model is originated from the response-to-intervention (RTI) model in the U.S. that has been experimented by researchers within the framework of a systematic instruction and assessment cycle since the 1980s. After a decade of implementation, the conceptualization and practice of the 3-tier intervention model among relevant stakeholders in Hong Kong has yet to be known. This project aims to offer theoretical, policy, and practical insights into the 3-tier model in building effective inclusive schools.


Kim Fong Poon-McBrayer