Teaching & Learning Materials

1. Teaching Manual: Adamson, B. & Choi, T.-H. (2015) Teaching with English as a medium of instruction. Hong Kong, China: The Education University of Hong Kong.
This manual aims at helping teachers of ESL and EFL students devise effective instructional strategies.
Click to download (English only)
2. "Workshop on effective EMI lessons: Supplement to MOI manual" by Prof. Bob Adamson

In this presentation, Prof. Adamson presents several strategies that are designed to help make learning in EMI classes enjoyable, accessible and successful. The strategies help provide accessible quality learning to students with diverse language backgrounds.

3. Effective teacher talk handout
This handout lists select teacher talk skills with examples.
4. Tips on teaching an EMI module - Students' needs
This handout presents student research participants' thoughts on what they need in learning in EMI.
5. Content-language relationships w/ a summary of text type structures and language features
This handout discusses some basic conceptual principles of teaching in an EMI classroom, focusing on the relationship between content and language. It comes with a table introducing the typical textual and linguistic features of 10 text types/genres.
6. PowerPoint slides for learning in EMI courses
This set of slides illustrates 11 tips for learning in an EMI module in terms of in-class learning and written assignments with a list of select online learning resources (see below for a full list of online resources) and a basic introduction to academic writing.
Click to download (English only)
Click to download (English w/ Chinese)
7. A handout on learning in EMI courses
This handout contains the 11 tips in the PowerPoint slides in simple language and select online resources. It intends to serve as a reminder of the advice given.
Click to download (English only)
Click to download (English w/ Chinese)