Policy and leadership issues directly impact the shaping of the school curriculum and the lives of young people in Hong Kong. Until 1997, the curriculum reflected the needs of a small, well educated workforce. Since that time it has been recognized that the curriculum needs to reach out to the needs of all students who are now contributing to Hong Kong’s development in different ways. Research into the school curriculum, therefore, is an area of social priority for Hong Kong. It has a significant role to play in the opportunities of our young people and their future roles and responsibilities as active and engaged citizens.

Key areas of research into curriculum, policy and leadership, reflect such multi-disciplinary themes such as:

Globalization and education policy contexts
Curriculum policy and its implementation
School leadership and its correlates
Curriculum issues in the subject areas
Teachers and the school curriculum

The role of the Key Research Area (KRA) in Curriculum, Policy and Leadership will be to support research across these 5 themes, and to contribute to the creation of a diverse and prolific research culture at the Institute of Education.