Call for papers




Guidelines for abstracts  


Guidelines for full papers  

























Call for Papers
Call for Papers

Participants intending to contribute papers should submit an abstract to the Symposium Secretariat via email at before 15 September 2003. All abstracts are subject to review by the Organizing Committee. Contributors will be notified of the Committee's decision starting from 3 September 2003. The full paper is required to reach the Symposium Secretariat via email on or before 30 September 2003.

Papers should focus on any one of the following topics:

1. Field experience and partnership  
2. Pre- and post-lesson conferencing  
3. Mentoring


Lesson Study




Guidelines for abstracts

Abstracts should be succinct summaries of the study or experience to be shared at the Symposium. The length of each abstract should be in the range of 250-300 words. Please format your abstract in the following way:


Font type: Times New Roman for English and 新細明體 for Chinese


Font size: 12 points




The title of the paper, the name of the author and the name of the author's department/school to be placed at the top of the abstract, and centred on the page  




Guidelines for full papers

Papers should be formatted in the following style:


Font type: Times New Roman for English and 新細明體 for Chinese


Font size: 12 points




The title of the paper, the name of the author and the name of the author's department/school to be placed at the top of the first page of the paper, and centred on the page

Please include a copy of the abstract saved as a separate document and formatted in the same way as the paper.

The papers will be placed on the symposium website the way they come. The secretariat will not provide any proof reading or editing.