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Message from the President of the Asia-Pacific EPR/ESR Society

*** Welcome to the Asia-Pacific EPR/ESR Society's home-page ***

Dear Colleagues,

In order to facilitate communication between EPR/ESR researchers not only within the Asia-Pacific region but, to a certain extent, on a 'Global' scale, a WWW home-page of the Asia-Pacific EPR/ESR Society has been created as a pilot project in January 1998. It has undergone a major update and modifications in December 1998 and in March 2000. On the Society's home-page you will find information and materials about various present and past activities of the Asia-Pacific EPR/ESR Society. A section What's new is designed to give you a brief overview of the most recent information.

This home-page may help us achieving the Society's major objectives, i.e. to carry out the activities aimed at: 

  1. improving the efficiency of applications of the EPR/ESR techniques and 
  2. facilitating the communication between EPR/ESR researchers in the Asia-Pacific region. 
We hope that through INTERNET the members will get updated information on the EPR/ESR related activities in the Asia-Pacific region, whereas the Society will get valuable feedback from its members. We expect also to attract more potential members to become the MEMBERS of the Asia-Pacific EPR/ESR Society. 

The membership of the Society is open to all researchers from the Asia-Pacific region who are active in the EPR/ESR area or have an interest in the applications of the EPR/ESR techniques. A strong Society would suit well the regional needs and ensure that a better coordination of individual efforts can be achieved. Hence we shall strengthen the Society's membership. May I invite all colleagues, who are not yet members, to express their interest in becoming members of the Asia-Pacific EPR/ESR Society. A Membership Form is available on the Society's home-page in the section About the Society. Please download the Membership Form, fill in and send us by email or airmail. Please feel free to pass on a copy of the Membership Form to all interested colleagues. 

Special thanks are due to Dr Yeung Yau-yuen, the Society's Secretary and Webmaster, for his effort on the WWW home-page project. Please visit the Society's Web site on a regular basis and send your comments either to me at <apsepr@cityu.edu.hk> or Dr Yeung at <yyyeung@ied.edu.hk>. We look forward to hearing from you.

Czeslaw Rudowicz
Asia-Pacific EPR/ESR Society
Hong Kong, March 2000 

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Last updated: 8-4-2000