Aids ReferenceLocal

本 校 課 程 環 境 部 分 參 考 材 料
Reference Materials for the Environment and Development part of our courses

Module Code

Module Title


Exemplary websites

Certificate of Secondary Education


Further Chemistry

Environmental Chemistry:

  • Fundamental principles, scope of environmental chemistry.
  • Atmospheric Chemistry; the troposphere, stratosphere, temperature inversion and the composition of the troposphere.
  • Changes in the compositions of the troposphere, stratosphere. Air pollution, chemistry of the pollutants, Monitoring air pollution.
  • Aqueous chemistry. Role of water in aqueous chemistry, Contamination of fresh water, sewage by pollutants. Chemistry of these pollution in water. Monitoring water pollution.

Further Biology

Advances in biotechnology and improvement of quality of life:

  • Applications of biotechnology in health, environment, agriculture and industry.
Agrochemicals and Genetic Engineering

Certificate in Primary Education

Science, Technology and our Environment

Impacts of human activities on the environment:

Environmental Pollution:

  • Sources of pollutants.
  • Effects of pollution on health
  • Monitoring measures on pollution adopted by Hong Kong and different parts of the world.
  • Environmental Protection in Hong Kong.


  • Measurement of noise pollution: loudness, intensity level and phon scale.
  • Reduction of noise: sources of noise, effects of noise, noise control.

Radiation and health

  • Biological effects of ionizing radiation.
  • Radiation exposure, absorbed dose, dose equivalent, radiation level.
  • Monitoring radiation and safety precautions.
  • Nuclear energy and other applications of nuclear radiation.

Modern Living

Our Environment:


Science, Technology, Environment and Society

Environmental and ethical issues associated with the development in science and technology:

  • Violations of social or natural orders;
  • Violations of social norms and moral values;
  • Problems and solutions of environmental protection;
  • Pros and cons in applying new scientific discoveries and technologies.

Agrochemicals and Genetic Engineering

School of Professional foundations in Education

Healthy Living

Personal and community health: environmental hygiene

Environmental Pollution

The Study and Science and Technology in Our Society

Physical science and applications: astronomy and weather, environmental pollution

Environmental Pollution

Study of Interdisciplinary Themes

Case studies of designing and implementing interdisciplinary studies in General Studies: Environmental Protection (problem-solving)

The Study of Our Country and Our Society

Human - environment interaction: physical environment and land use patterns; population, resources, and environment; sustainable lifestyle and society; the changing environment- problems and issues

Environmental Education: A local and Global Perspective

  • Principles and aims of Environmental Education;
  • Environmental Education: International Development and progress;
  • Environmental Education in Hong Kong: Formal and Community Education;
  • Implementation and promotion of Environmental Education in primary and secondary schools; strategies and activities;
  • Assessment in Environmental Education.

Environmental Studies

  • Fundamental concepts of ecology: physical and biotic environmentals, habitats, niches and trophic levels, energy transfer and nutrient cycling, examples and interrelationships of ecosystems, succession;
  • Environmental constraints and opportunities: natural environmental rhythms and irregularities at different scales, responses of people to environmental changes;
  • Global environmental issues: global warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion, extinction of species, problems of population growth;
  • Environmental pollution in Hong Kong: sources and effects, monitoring measures, environmental protection;
  • Environmental decision making: sustainable development; the differing values, perspectives and agendas that influence decision making;
  • Environmental studies, environmental education and General Studies.

Interdisciplinary Themes in General Studies: An Inquiry Approach

An interdisciplinary approach to learning General Studies: rationale, principles, framework and the integrated study of the four content areas (Healthy Living, Living Environment, Natural World and Science and Technology);

Science and Technology in Our Society

Physical science and applications: ... environment pollution

Environmental Pollution

Environmental Studies

  • The environment: physical and biotic environment, interaction of physical, biotic and cultural factors;
  • Ecological concepts and ecosystem: habitats, niches and trophic levels, energy transfer and nutrient cycling, examples and interrelationships of ecosystems, succession;
  • Environmental constraints and opportunities: resource utilisation and the emergence of civilisation, natural environmental rhythms and irregularities at different scales, responses of people to environmental change;
  • Impact of human activities on the environment: selected examples of human activities such as urbanisation, industrialisation and agricultural activities and related issues including global warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion and extinction of species;
  • Environmental pollution: sources and nature of pollutants, effects of pollution, monitoring measures on pollution, environmental protection in Hong Kong;
  • Sustainable development: concept of sustainability, materialism and consumerism, environmental ethics, sustainable lifestyle and society, efforts towards international cooperation.

Interdisciplinary Themes in General Studies: An Inquiry Approach

In-depth case studies of interdisciplinary themes related to the General Studies:... People / Environment Interaction (exemplary concepts: adaptation and change, system, scarcity and conflict)….

Human-environmental Interaction

Foundation Science

  • Materials and the environment: natural and synthetic materials, environmental problems of using synthetic materials, nature of major environmental pollutants;
  • Energy and its uses: energy at home, non-renewable sources of energy, renewable sources of energy, alternative sources of energy, bioenergetics;
  • The natural world: Earth's crust, life processes of organisms (reproduction, growth and photosynthesis), environment and adaptation of living organisms



  • 環境教育:污水、噪音、廢物及空氣污染
  • 能源與材料:新材料、新能源,激光與電子技術,核能與核技術。

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