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Module Synopsis
This course understands development in terms of Armatya Sen’s and Martha Nussbaum’s Capability Approach. In the light of Sen’s conceptualization of “Development as Freedom”, students will consider the implications of a focus on human rights and social justice for human development. Students will consider the meaning of “capabilities as freedoms”, in terms of which human well-being is understood as closely related to the distribution of capabilities, including process equity – the achievement of capabilities (such as participation in social life, and access to education, housing, healthcare and other public services) – and opportunity equity, or the freedom to do so. The United Nations’ Human Development Index will be explored in these contexts, with the Human Development Report providing key source material. The Capability Approach and the idea of “Development as Freedom” will be compared to and contrasted with other approaches to development, such as those offered in Biology and Psychology, as well as other Economic perspectives on development.