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Module Synopsis
What is sexual diversity? How does the social cultural experience of our personal sexuality shape our attitudes about those people who do not express their sexuality in the same ways as we do? Based on contact theory and theories in sexuality, this course aims to stimulating students to have self-reflection, knowledge enhancement and intergroup contacts to foster their understanding and appreciation of sexual diversities. The course will cover three dimensions: awareness, knowledge, and integration. The awareness dimension includes students’ reflective and critical reflections on how individuals’ sexualities and their attitudes to sexualities are shaped by social cultural values. The knowledge dimension covers concepts/theories of sexuality from diverse perspectives, and current social issues related to sexuality debates. Students will discuss how sexualities intersect with other social categories, such as sex, gender, sexual orientation, disability etc. in producing life barriers or creating resilience to individuals of the society. The integration part offers a space for students to appreciate sexual diversity in daily experiences in a diverse world through integration of what they have learned in the course. They will also participate in social and cultural events to appreciate sexual diversities in the society.