Module Code
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Module Synopsis
This course provides a good opportunity for course participants to get familiar with the needs of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The seven indicators proposed in the Autism Program Quality Indicators (APQI): A Self-Review and Quality Improvement Guide for Programs Serving Young Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (2004) is used as the guideline to enhance the knowledge and skills for the personnel in programs for students with ASD. This offers theoretical inputs for course participants’ engagement with service individuals with ASD. The course will arrange placement for course participants in the Institute’s service units such as ASPIRE (a transitional program for students with ASD organized by the HKIEd), the after-school remedial classes for students with special needs (organized by the Basic, Advanced and/or Thematic Courses for Teacher Professional Development on Catering for Students with Special Educational Needs), etc. as well as the non-governmental organizations (NGO) s such as Caritas, Heep Hong, Hong Chi, etc. They will be provided with the opportunity to serve students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in authentic settings. Course participants will be required to assist centre or unit specialist staff to design the training programme and materials, to deliver the training sessions, to monitor the progress of the training sessions, and to evaluate the effectiveness of the instructional methods, etc.