Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 8, Issue 1, Article 8 (June, 2007)
A frame for the development of preservice science teachers

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Chemistry Education – An example of a preservice science teacher development course

The chemistry education course for preservice chemistry teachers at Monash University, Australia, explicitly maps the intention of each aspect of the course using Shulman’s seven knowledge domains and in addition makes clear what skills and attitudes are intended to be developed throughout the course of study. In addition, preservice teachers are asked to track their own learning and experiences through the use of learning logs (Kortagen, 1993) and the development of chemistry teaching portfolios (Loughran & Corrigan, 1995) as well as demonstrate their learning through assignments and practical performances, and evaluate their own learning, skill development and clarification of attitudes and values as well as the explicit intentions of the program.


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