Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 7, Issue 1, Article 5 (June, 2006)
Beverley JANE
Online reflections about tinkering in early childhood: A socio-cultural analysis
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Study design

The sample for the study consisted of 100 female primary teacher trainees, who were enrolled in a core Primary Technology Education unit in the final year of a Bachelor of Education course. As this was an undergraduate course, the majority of trainees were in their early twenties. In addition there was a considerable number of mature age students, who transferred from other tertiary courses or were mothers returning to study. The trainees had a range of socio-economic backgrounds, and most were HECS places, with only a few being fee-paying students.

The unit was organised as face-to-face tutorials. In addition to attending tutorials the trainees used Information and Communication Technologies to place journal entries electronically on WebCT to share their reflections with their peers. In this way online discussions could develop around these e-journal entries, with a sharing of viewpoints that linked theory (readings and text) and practice (hands-on activities in tutorials and prior experiences in their home environment).

Copyright (C) 2006 HKIEd APFSLT. Volume 7, Issue 1, Article 5 (June, 2006). All Rights Reserved.